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Author Guideline

Preparing papers

  • Submissions must be original and should not have been published previously or be under consideration for publication while being evaluated for GUEST2017.

  • Authors should read the following guidelines before preparing the manuscript to comply with publication requirements:

  • Manuscript must be prepared using the given templates. Please follow carefully the instructions.

  • Manuscript must be 5 to 10 pages for JPCS and 5 pages for ASL. Additional pages for ASL will be charged USD100 per page.

  • Extra care should be taken when preparing reference lists. Indeed, online references will be linked to their original source, only if possible.

  • Please ensure the figures submitted are clear and high in quality.

  • Similarity rate must not more than 30% for JPCS and 20% for ASL, checked using Turnitin or similar software.

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